Saturday, June 30, 2012

NaBloPoMo June - Day 30 - It's HOT!

The Midwest is under a heat warning. The past two days temps have reached the triple digits, and it doesn't look like it intends to break any time soon.

Well, that might not be totally accurate. Yesterday it hit 102 degrees, and then an hour later we must have had a cold snap come through, because the temp dove all the way down to 99 degrees. Gee, time to dig out the sweaters, isn't it? (Not.)

Today looks to be another day of triple-digit temps. So what is going on with the Dizzy's today? Do I get to stay inside and be cool? Work on more crafts? Maybe cook something special for the Mister?

Of course not.

Today is the annual family gathering at the lake. Yes, the lake. Outside. Bugs, sun, and high temps and humidity.

I'm going, but I'm not exactly happy about it. I want to see a lot of the family, but I really am not relishing the idea of being miserable while I'm doing it. I'm not a real outdoorsy person....I don't go on the water, can't swim, and really am not real fond of bugs.


Wish me luck. And don't let me forget the sunscreen.

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