Tuesday, June 05, 2012

NaBloPoMo June - Day 5 - Jumping In

For June NaBloPoMo, BlogHer gives "writing prompts" to give bloggers ideas of what to write about. Since I am trying to get back into the swing of this blogging "thing" and having some issues with finding topics, I'm going to be using some of these. Thank you, BlogHer!

The topic posted today is, "What is something you recently jumped into?"

I don't know that this would be classified as "recent," but 5 years ago I decided to make a major job change. I was an Administrative Assistant to one of the Vice President's here at the College, and had been in the administrative clerical field for more than 30 years. But my real love was working with computers. I had completed my A.A.S. Degree in Computer Information Systems a few years before that, and used the knowledge gained there to enhance my job.

It was nice, but it was not what I wanted to do my entire life. However, with the job market the way it is, I just counted myself lucky to have a job, kept my hand in for learning the new programs that were coming out, and called it good.

Then the Online Support Specialist resigned, and the opening was posted. As I read the job description, something inside me woke up. This job - - THIS job - - is what I wanted to do. It was the field I wanted to be in. It was the type of work I wanted to do.

I was scared to death thinking of making a change this major. I fretted and worried and lost sleep thinking about it. I drove Mr. Dizzy CRAZY with all my nervousness! But, being the loving, supportive husband that he is, he told me, "Get off your ass and apply already! We both need to get some sleep!" (Actually, not exactly in those words, but you get the idea.....)

So I applied.And amazingly enough, I got it!

It was rough at first, switching over to a completely different line of work, but thankfully I had been at the College enough years to know who to ask for help, and what to ask for. I have been through four different supervisors in the past 5 years - - the first one temporary, then a Director, then a Dean when the Director left, and then another Director (who thankfully is still here). The current Director and I work together very well, and have taken the department in a completely different direction than the one it was heading in (and it is much better for the change).

If I had let my initial fears get the better of me and not applied, I would not have this amazing job, working with the most amazing people on campus. I am glad I allowed myself to "jump in" and take the chance!

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