Friday, July 11, 2008

24 Years Ago . . . (pt. 2)

The Monday morning following my weekend in St. Louis found me getting up early and driving across town to meet my carpool. About halfway there, I happened to glance over and notice something on my windshield, stuck under the passenger side windshield wiper. What the heck? I pulled over into a parking lot and grabbed it. It was a business card from a local car dealer. I again thought, what the heck? I just bought this new truck, and someone is trying to sell me something? Weird . . .

I put the card on the seat next to me and started driving again. Something was nagging at me about the card - - what was it? But I was tired and sleepy, and just wanted to get across town and meet my carpool so we could get to work.

But as I drove, that nagging feeling kept at me, and I kept glancing at the card. What was going on here? Suddenly it hit me - - Oh my gosh! That was the guy I met last week at the Arch, and I stood up Saturday night! What the . . . ?!?!?! How did he find where I lived? I didn't mention an address - - I just mentioned the "West End", which is pretty darned big! What is going on here?!?!?!

When I got with my carpool, I brought the card with me and told them all the tale. They got a pretty good laugh out of it. Later in the day, one of the carpool members, Sheri, asked me if I still had the card with me. When I said yes, she asked if she could see it again, so I gave it to her. She looked at it for a minute, and then said, "I thought this phone number looked familiar. I know this guy! He really is a nice guy; I think you should go out with him. Really." I told Sheri if she thought he was so nice, she should keep the card and go out with him. She just laughed and said, "No, I think he is nice for YOU!" I disagreed, and would not take the card back from her.

Little did I know what Sheri had in mind for that card, and for me . . .


~Molly~ said...

What a cool story this is! I can't wait for the next part!!

Your blog is so readable, I am really enjoying it. And you are so normal, lol. I like normal.

Btw, I'm Molly and I found you through a comment you left at Crazy Aunt Purl's.

Anonymous said...


Eileen said...

Write faster