Monday, September 20, 2010

Grace In Small Things: 37/2010

What I am grateful for this week:
  • My new Kindle! :-)
  • A good post-op checkup report from my foot surgery
  • Pot Roast and roasted veggies for dinner
  • Mr. Dizzy, the MOST WONDERFUL husband in the world, for all the help and caring he has provided me the past 2 weeks following my surgery
  • Andee, the best hair stylist EVER, for actually coming to the house to cut my hair, to make it easier for me
I am SO blessed!

Count your blessings - - join Grace In Small Things.

1 comment:

Knitty Aunt-Did said...

I saw you on Crazy Aunt Purl's blog (as I was perusing the comments to see what everyone's weather is like. Fascinating life I lead huh?) and saw that you were from Central Illinois, so I HAD to come see if I knew where you were from. I'm from Olney (know Effingham? yeah. near there.) and I'm always interested to see people from nearby on blogs I watch/ravelry/etc. So I thought I'd leave you a little comment. Hi!
And your blessings are pretty awesome. God's pretty cool that way. Anyway, have a good day!