Saturday, May 20, 2006


It's been over a month since I posted here. I know - - and I'm sorry.

It's been a rough trip down a very bumpy road this past month. A lot has happened. I'll try to summarize it and make it as short as possible.

The last part of April is always a pretty rough time for Dad and me. Mom passed away three years ago the last week of April, so I try my best to spend even more time than usual with him, because it hits him harder than usual at that time.

For some reason, it was harder on me this year. It's always pretty rough, but for some reason this year was worse. It was pretty difficult keeping on a "brave face" for Dad when I felt I was just dying inside. And what made it even more difficult is Dear Hubby Steve's extended work hours, including weekends. SO - - I was feeling pretty much like the "Lone Ranger", and it wasn't too easy.

But I made it through - - *whew*

Getting into the first part of May is always quite an adventure. Spring Semester is always the most hectic at the College, with faculty receiving tenure status, faculty promotions in process, the Institutional Data Book (my 185-page baby!) being readied for presentation to the Board, Outstanding Student Awards in each discipline, starting end-of-year budget close-out AND starting the next year's budget process . . . and of course the Reception for the graduates, followed up by the Commencement Ceremony.

This past week was a lot of those things - -

The Reception for the graduates was Monday, with 2 sessions - - one in the early afternoon, and one until 6:30 p.m. Of course, then there was clean-up, so I didn't get home from work until close to 8:30.

The Data Book was presented to the Board on Tuesday, which meant there was a HUGE last-minute push to make sure everything was accurate and looking "pretty".

There was a Committee meeting on Wednesday, which I had to take minutes for and then work on getting everything completed before the faculty members of the Committee took off for the summer.

I was in Springfield for an all-day training workshop on Thursday, which was actually pretty interesting. It was a PIC workshop (Political Involvement Committee), and was to train us how to find out more about our legislators and how to approach them about issues important to us and our community, such as our State-funded Pension Plan, which has been "raided" so many times to pay other bills, I'll be lucky if anything is left by the time I retire! SO - - instead of sitting on my dead backside and bitching about it, I decided it was time to get involved and try to do something about it. If I expect somebody to help me out in this situation, I better be willing to help myself, right? :-)

Commencement was on Friday. We were down at the Civic Center by 10:00 a.m. to help set up the stage, place program booklets on over 2,000 chairs, and make sure everything was a "go". Then at 11:00 a.m., the usher volunteers and a good-sized group of graduates came in for rehearsal. That was all finally finished up around 12:15 p.m., so a bunch of us headed off to lunch before heading back to Campus. I left work around 4:00 p.m. and headed home to change clothes (including COMFY shoes!) and headed back to the Civic Center. We all met there around 5:15, and got ready to help the students, faculty and staff with their caps and gowns. Those things are a ROYAL PAIN to get on right - - and the fabric doesn't "breathe", so by the time they march in, they are already sweating profusely!! Then you pack them in that already crowded arena . . . it's a VERY uncomfortable time! They are SO happy when the ceremony is over and they can peel those things off!

After Commencement, we cleaned the dressing room, went back to the arena and helped clean up signs, discarded programs, etc., and finally headed home.

My day had started at 530 a.m. I finally got home from work Friday night at 9:30 p.m.

My feet STILL hurt!

But - - I made up my mind last month that I was just going to keep my head down, concentrate on what needed to be done, and do it. I knew there must be a light at the end of the tunnel - - once I made it around that long curve. Once I reached it, I would be able to catch my breath and get on with other things.

I can FINALLY breathe. It feels good.

Thanks for stopping by. The next post won't be so long in coming as this one was. Promise.

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