Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year Cats!

Having been home for just over a week, we have had a lot of good "quality time" to spend with our furbabies.....

Squeak and Lil Dude decided to "help" me changing sheets on the Guest Room bed:

Mr. Dizzy, the "Cat Whisperer" - - no matter where he sits, he always has one or two cats on him:


Carmichael, hamming it up for the camera:

One little slug-a-bug asleep in the sun:

One more little slug-a-bug asleep on the arm of the loveseat:

And one more (not so) little slug-a-bug who WAS asleep on the cat tree, until Mommy woke him up with the camera:

And all is well in the cat's sunroom (we only think it's ours; they know better!):

Can't think of a nicer way to start off the new year than with lovin' furbabies!


NerdyRedneck Rob said...

Mr Dizzy must smell good????

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

WAit a minute, should'nt he be Mr. Ms Lizzy? instead of Mr Dizzy? Izzy? huh?

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

OK, a month later and as I re read this I realize Mr. Ms Lizzy is simply a comfortable sit. Like a favorite old chair!