Friday, September 30, 2005


It's lonely.

Hubby Steve is gone this weekend - - up to Joliet for the drag races.

I don't mind him going, because I know he really enjoys them and had made many good friends there. And it's best that he goes without me, because I am totally, absolutely NOT into the races . . .

Oh sure, there are other things I could do up there, like go on a little further up the road to the Fox River Valley area (St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia - - my favorite places in the whole world!). But then there would be that whole scheduling thing of working out who needs to be where and when . . . So he goes on up by himself.

Which is fine. We have good friends in Chicago that he stays the night with, so that also gives him time to catch up with them. They have lots of fun together.

And I'm busy also - - I get to work tomorrow, helping proctor an LSAT exam here on campus. It's a long process, but hey, I get paid for it. And LSAC pays their proctors well. More spending money for the new house!

But I still miss him . . . *sigh* . . . can't wait for Sunday when he's back home!!! :-)

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